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  • 2012年7月25日 (三) 22:12 (差異 | 歷史. . (+2,753). . 使用者:ContiHarvell993(新頁面: The European Central Bank has said it will not yet roll back the emergency measures it implemented to contain the eurozone debt crisis. "Any 'exit strategy' talk for the time being is pr...) (最新修改)
  • 2012年7月24日 (二) 16:15 (差異 | 歷史. . (+2,812). . 使用者:DemingFretwell992(新頁面: The United States has announced it will further ease sanctions against Burma. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said some travel and financial restrictions would be relaxed, with Burmes...) (最新修改)
  • 2012年7月22日 (日) 21:27 (差異 | 歷史. . (+2,753). . 使用者:KristynBlas936(新頁面: The European Central Bank has said it will not yet roll back the emergency measures it implemented to contain the eurozone debt crisis. "Any 'exit strategy' talk for the time being is pr...) (最新修改)