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(新頁面: ==1.幸福奉學== 因為你 因為我 because of you because of me 愛 像 一首 歌 唱盡 世間的感動 love is like one song sing out those touched things in the world 心 就像 ...)
第 2 行: 第 2 行:
因為你 因為我
因為你 因為我
because of you because of me
because of you because of me
愛 像 一首 歌 唱盡 世間的感動
愛 像 一首 歌 唱盡 世間的感動
love is like one song sing out those touched things in the world
love is like one song sing out those touched things in the world
心 就像 天空 可以 無限的 寬闊
心 就像 天空 可以 無限的 寬闊
heart is like sky it can infinite wide
heart is like sky it can infinite wide
用雙手 編織 夢
用雙手 編織 夢
use hands weave dream
use hands weave dream
就讓一切 因為你 因為我  
就讓一切 因為你 因為我  
let everything because of you because of me
let everything because of you because of me
感覺 都更不同  
感覺 都更不同  
feel so different
feel so different
就讓一切 因為你 因為我  
就讓一切 因為你 因為我  
let everything because of you because of me
let everything because of you because of me
make this world full of much more love touched things
make this world full of much more love touched things
愛 就像 山峰 望向 世界的盡頭  
愛 就像 山峰 望向 世界的盡頭  
love is like mountain look foward the end of world
love is like mountain look foward the end of world
心 就像 燈火 照亮黑暗的角落  
心 就像 燈火 照亮黑暗的角落  
heart is like light illuminate the corner of world
heart is like light illuminate the corner of world
不沈默 無保留  
不沈默 無保留  
don't be silent don't retain
don't be silent don't retain
就讓一切 因為你 因為我  
就讓一切 因為你 因為我  
let everything because of you because of me
let everything because of you because of me
feel so different
feel so different
就讓一切 因為你 因為我  
就讓一切 因為你 因為我  
let everything because of you because of me
let everything because of you because of me
make this world full of much more love touched things
make this world full of much more love touched things

2012年12月23日 (日) 11:42的最新修訂版本



因為你 因為我 because of you because of me

愛 像 一首 歌 唱盡 世間的感動 love is like one song sing out those touched things in the world

心 就像 天空 可以 無限的 寬闊 heart is like sky it can infinite wide

用雙手 編織 夢 use hands weave dream

就讓一切 因為你 因為我 let everything because of you because of me

感覺 都更不同 feel so different

就讓一切 因為你 因為我 let everything because of you because of me

世界充滿更多愛的感動 make this world full of much more love touched things

愛 就像 山峰 望向 世界的盡頭 love is like mountain look foward the end of world

心 就像 燈火 照亮黑暗的角落 heart is like light illuminate the corner of world

不沈默 無保留 don't be silent don't retain

就讓一切 因為你 因為我 let everything because of you because of me

感覺都更不同 feel so different

就讓一切 因為你 因為我 let everything because of you because of me

世界充滿更多愛的感動 make this world full of much more love touched things


2-1 幸福影音連結---慈濟歌選-因為你因為我



